Scarlet and Gold

meet our founder

I’m a girl from Brooklyn on a mission to deliver holistic wellness to as many as possible. My journey began in culinary school, with the resolve to be a Chef. After many years of burns and 16-hour shifts, I was made Head Chef, one of my most outstanding achievements. Soon after, I was diagnosed with several gut ailments making it difficult to eat, taste, or enjoy any food I prepared; I thought my career was over.

I began studying nutrition, I left the kitchen but not the culinary arts.

I went on vacation during a break, and a diffuser with essential oils sat on my nightstand. Curious, I poured the entire bottle of Lemon essential oil into the diffuser, instant headache. It was in that room, nursing a headache, that Scarlet and Gold was born. I began researching essential oils, which led me to Aromatherapy. Passion sparked with clear intention; I began studying Aromatherapy

After becoming a Master Aromatherapist, I felt it was time to find a path that combined my passion for Aromatherapy and Culinary Arts. Scarlet and Gold is the culmination of Aromatherapy and the culinary arts. Plants are the backbone of all I love; whether it’s making tea, using essential oils, or creating a dish, it requires innovation, creativity, and an understanding of science.